Who Is Not a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

If you have lost some or all your teeth and are considering dental implants to replace them, you must get yourself evaluated by a dentist near you before making up your mind to have them. Dental implants require you to satisfy specific criteria to become eligible to receive them. In some cases, the requirements might hamper your eligibility for dental implants until you resolve the underlying problems.

Whether these elements might apply to you or affect your candidacy for receiving dental implants is determined by the dentist in spring after taking your medical history and reviewing the health of your remaining teeth and gums. The dentist also sifts through your dental images before confirming or denying your eligibility.

What Is the Best Age for Dental Implants?

Most people who have attained complete jawbone growth are candidates for dental implants. Teenagers under 17 are considered ineligible because their jawbones are still developing. Besides teenagers, all adults can have dental implants in spring to replace missing teeth from decay, extraction, injuries, et cetera. However, people must satisfy the criteria mentioned below to qualify for dental implants or prepare to treat some conditions or quit habits. Some factors that impact people’s eligibility to be eligible for dental implants include:

  • Smoking: smoking inhibits the body’s natural ability to heal itself and affects osseointegration, the process through which the dental implant integrates with your natural bone tissue. If you are a smoker, you are at a higher risk of infections and implant failure. However, you may still qualify for dental implants if you decide to abstain from smoking for an extended period before implant placement surgery and after getting the implants. As a smoker, you must discuss the abstention period with dental implants near you because the staff at the facility will inquire how long you have been accustomed to the habit, how often, and how much.
  • Gum Disease: severe and untreated gum disease destroys bone and gum tissue. Discuss your situation with the spring dentist if you are affected by periodontal disease. You might not be a suitable candidate for dental implants until you have the condition treated and brought under control.
  • General Health: the procedure for getting dental implants involves multiple processes spanning over several months, including relatively invasive surgery to make incisions in your gums to place your dental implants deep into your jawbone. Most dental surgeries are physically stressful even under anesthesia, and complete recovery is essential before continuing your procedure. You must be in good physical health to undergo implant surgery and related processes.
  • Diabetes: your body’s natural healing process is also affected by diabetes. If you have diabetes, you will find it challenging to heal from implant placement surgery. Therefore you may be unsuitable for dental implants if your diabetes is uncontrolled. The spring dentist recommends that you defer receiving dental implants until your diabetes is brought under control.
  • Medications: if you take medications like steroids or blood thinners, the medicines may affect your candidacy for receiving dental implants. Your dentist will discuss the qualification criteria after considering the associated risks with the medications and determining whether they can be managed by adjusting your dosage or perhaps avoiding the medicines for some time.

Anyone who satisfies the above criteria is eligible for dental implants and can proceed to receive them for replacing their missing teeth.

Is 70 Too Old for Dental Implants?

Age limitations for dental implants are explained earlier, and teenagers without complete jawbone growth are the sole candidates considered unsuitable for dental implants. Anyone who is 70 would have attained total jawbone growth several years earlier. So long as they are not affected by any of the conditions described and are in good physical and oral health, they can consider themselves suitable candidates for dental implants even if they are older than 70.

When considering dental implants as tooth replacement solutions, people must understand the limitations dental implants impose upon them before qualifying for them. Therefore whether you are 20 or 90, you are eligible for dental implants so long as you meet the qualification criteria and want to replace your missing teeth with a permanent solution like dental implants.

Emergency dental relief promotion

If you are considering dental implants as replacements for your natural teeth, please get yourself evaluated by Charm Dental — Spring to determine your eligibility for this treatment.

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