Few things in life are as important as family health at any age, then proper dental care. Balanced nutrition, daily brushing, and flossing, and routine dentist visits are the essentials. However, with every new season of physical development and maturity comes unique oral health considerations.
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Pediatric Dentistry
Babies enter the world equipped with two sets of developed teeth. Although these ivories are not yet visible, they are present and intended to last a lifetime. Dental care is just as important now, as it ever will be. If you protect your child’s oral health from the beginning, they will develop good habits that will carry them through adulthood.
Infant Oral Health
Start practicing good oral health habits from birth. The following list of pediatric dentistry tips will help keep your infant’s mouth clean and free of dental problems:
- Never allow an infant to sleep with a bottle full of anything but plain water. Don’t fill your youngster’s bottle with juice, soda or other sugary drinks. Stay on the side of nutrition, with breast milk or formula.
- Wipe your baby’s gums with a clean, damp towel at least once daily.
- Pacifiers and thumb-sucking offer comfort, but they also boost the risk of tooth decay, misalignment problems and bite issues.
- Your child’s first meeting with a kids’ dentist should be scheduled once the first tooth erupts.
Kid’s Dentistry
Maintaining dental care for kids can be overwhelming at times. Children require the same dental care as adults, but their oral hygiene habits often need to be carefully monitored. Now is the time to set the pace for lifelong dental health.
- Toddlers aged 3 and older should be brushing with an ADA-approved fluoride toothpaste.
- Regular kids’ dentistry begins, consisting of twice-yearly professional dental cleanings and oral exams.
- The application of dental sealants will provide long-term protection against cavities.
- Sports guards should always be worn while playing youth sports.
- Overall family health starts with proper nutrition. To keep developing children strong and free of dental issues, limit sugary treats and provide a balanced diet.
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Maintaining Lifelong Oral Health: Adults & Seniors
Some adults have been known to put their oral health on the side burner. Grown-ups oversee their own lives; no one is making you visit your dentist, and there is always something else going on in life. In addition, at this stage, there are so many adult vices that can take a heavy toll on your teeth. To keep that forever smile functioning properly, dental care is vital.
- Avoid tooth stains and decay by limiting or eliminating coffee, red wine, sugar, and nicotine.
- Keep up with routine dental visits. Gum disease is a common problem with adults. Early detection is key. In addition, the condition of your mouth has a big impact on whole-body health.
- During pregnancy and nursing, oral health is not only important for the mother; it’s good for the baby too—proper dental care can prevent congenital disabilities.
- The CDC has reported that 70 per cent of adults over 65 are afflicted with gum disease. Visit the dentist regularly and practice healthy oral care.
- The risk of oral cancer increases in the later years. Regular oral cancer screenings during your routine dental visit will help detect cancer at its early, treatable stages.
- Dry mouth symptoms are common around this age, and this condition can lead to tooth decay.