What Type Of Sedation Is Used For Dental Implants?

Globally, dental implants have become a popular option for tooth replacement. Dental implants are durable and cosmetically appealing options whether you have single or multiple tooth gaps. However, one major concern about the dental implants procedure is if it’s painful and what options are there to make the process comfortable and pain-free.

At Charm Dental – Richmond, we recommend using sedation during dental procedures to create a relaxing environment for our clients. Hence, if you suffer from anxiety or have a severe phobia of dental treatments, you are the perfect candidate for sedation dentistry.

Choosing the Best Sedation Method for Your Dental Implant

Dental implants are invasive, and our dentist in Richmond will recommend dental sedation before the procedure. To determine the type of sedation suitable for you, the dentist has to consider the extent of the dental implant and your level of comfort. The following are some major forms of sedation considered during dental implant treatment.

IV Sedation

Intravenous sedation administers drugs through an IV that is injected into your veins. IV sedation is known to be the deepest form of sedation dentistry near you. It allows the dentist to adjust the sedation levels easily. Depending on your need, the dentist can lower or increase the sedation to give you the needed comfort. The sedation will also require you to have a driver on standby to bring you home after the appointment. It takes a couple of hours for the sedation to wear off completely.

Oral Sedation

Oral or conscious sedation requires the patient to take the prescribed pill an hour before the procedure. It reduces anxiety and fear of the treatment. Depending on the prescription, expect to feel drowsy or fall asleep throughout the procedure. The dentist will then wake you up when through.

Nitrous Oxide

Laughing gas is a common form of sedation dentistry in Richmond. It is given through a mask that is fitted over your nose. The sedation will work quickly, giving you time to calm down before the procedure. However, the gas will not put you to sleep. One can hear and respond to directions and requests the dentist may have. Expect to experience tingling sensations in your arms and legs. However, you should feel comfortable and calm throughout. The nitrous oxide side effects will wear off once the mask is removed.

General Anesthesia

It is known to be the heaviest and deepest form of sedation. It renders someone completely unconscious or close to that. General anesthesia may be the best solution for someone with deep anxiety or fear of needles and everything else to do with dental procedures.

Benefits of Sedation During a Dental Implant Procedure

Dental visits are a common phobia for many. As a result, we tend to disregard our dental issues until they develop and become more serious. Fortunately, we now offer effective and painless dental treatment procedures. Sedation dentistry allows even the most uncomfortable client to overcome anxiety and fear. The following benefits you will enjoy from being sedated during a dental implant near you.

Relief Pain

Understandably, no one enjoys tooth and gum pains. Sedation dentistry will eliminate pain throughout the procedure. Under the influence of strong anesthetics and sedatives, your brain cannot register pain.

Reduces Gag Reflexes

Having a gag reflex is a great thing. Gag reflexes help our throats to expel foreign and intrusive objects. However, a gag reflex during a dental procedure can be a hindrance. For example, sometimes your dentist may require indulging deep into your oral cavity; a gag reflex can prevent that. Additionally, your spasms can cause damage depending on what the dentist is doing. Sedation dentistry will prevent this by paralyzing your gag reflex. It will enable the dentist to work efficiently and faster, making you much more comfortable.

Anxiety relief

Dental phobia and anxiety are real medical concerns, with 60% of people worldwide admitting to having some fear about the dentist. Some fears are unfounded, while others are derived from having experienced an unpleasant dental visit. Unfortunately, as a result, most will choose to avoid visiting the dentist, risking their oral and general health. Anxiety relief is one of the major positive aspects of sedation dentistry. It allows our nervous clients to undergo the dental implant procedure comfortably.

It Will Allows the Dentist to Work Faster

When you are under sedatives and anesthetics, you will have no room to squirm when the dentist is working. As a result, the dentist can work faster and more efficiently without worrying about your next reaction. In addition, sedation dentistry will allow you to quickly get out of the dentist’s chair and start your healing journey.

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